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Adjusting T-Spring





There is however an option, for light weight people who wish a “softer ride” to cut off the central band.

The standard factory fitting usually suits all weights.






Option for light weight people who wish a “softer ride”.






Recommended trimming tool: WIRE CUTTERS.






Important: new T-bands are harder (more difficult to compress). After having been compressed completely a few times (while jumping high on one foot at a time, or jogging with big strokes) they will reach their final standard.

Use your T-Spring without coil springs for your first workout session.
Assembly of coil springs can only be performed while TS is disassembled. Hook on the coil springs into the central holes of the TS. Bend the TS sufficiently for introducing the 2nd hook.
Recommended trimming tool: WIRE CUTTERS.
Important: new T-bands are harder (more difficult to compress). After having been compressed completely a few times (while jumping high on one foot at a time, or jogging with big strokes) they will reach their final standard.
Important: new T-bands are harder (more difficult to compress). After having been compressed completely a few times (while jumping high on one foot at a time, or jogging with big strokes) they will reach their final standard.
Just as children come in “all shapes and sizes” … our innovative tension bands are designed to accommodate the complete range of weights. Most users that weigh less than 55 kg (120 lbs.) will bounce property with either “A”, “B” or “C” as shown below. As you may need to trim out one or two of the bands, please proceed carefully to avoid damaging the remaining band(s).
It should be noted that coordination, strength, and athletic ability play an equally important role in determining proper adjustment.


(Tension Band A is normally for users weighing around 88-120 Ibs. 40-55 Kg.)

1 – If you weight 40 Kg (88 lbs.) or more, you should start with the original triple band.

2 – If you don’t bounce (compress the pring) when jumping high on one foot at a time, cut one band as per B1 or B2.



(Tension Band B1 is normally for users weighing around 84-100 Ibs. 38-46 kg..)
3 – If you weight less than 38 Kg (84 lbs.) you will need to be very careful when considering the band as per B1 In such case begin cutting one band from either side, as shown in B2.



( Tension Band B2 is normally for users Weighing around 66-84 Ibs. 30-38 kg. ) Tension Spring


4- Tension Band C is normally for users weighing around 48-70 lbs. 22-32 Kg.


Recommended trimming tool: WIRE CUTTERS.



As you get more skilled (or heavier) and compress your springs too easily, you should order new tension bands from your dealer.



Using the step diagrams above you should proceed as shown in 1-4:
When you detach the Lower Shell (arc) and the T-spring (rubber band) from the Upper shell (diagram steps 1, 2 & 3), using both hands, stretch your arms and use your body weight to apply some pressure to the end of the shell in order that it bows downwards, remove the lower shell. Again, using one hand this time, apply the same pressure method to the top shell and bow enough to un-hook the T-spring. You will find it easier if you do this in a bounce like movement.


Reverse the process above, applying the same methods.

SRS (Safety Release System)

In occasional situations, for instance when you do extreme sports or run on very uneven surfaces, there is a possibility that the lower shell pops off. If you want to exclude this situation, you must assemble your shells and the T-Spring with the SRS activated (fig. SRS on). To this effect, the marks you can see on the T-Spring and Shell ends, must coincide: circle with circle and triangle with triangle. To assemble the Shells with the SRS desactivated, (fig. SRS off), circles and triangles must NOT coincide (join circles with triangles).

How do I replace my Sole Clamps?
The replacement clamps will appear to be too small and you will assume they will not fit. However it is necessary for the material to be stretched when they are assembled so that, the sole is held in place tightly. Detach the lower shell. When replacing the clamps, the clamp has to be pushed on to the shell as far as it will go, do this by pushing it against the edge of a table. Position the sole then, taking a flat head screw driver, lever over the clamp to hold the sole in place.


Check the FAQ


What are the benefits of using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes?

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes:
– Protect your knees and joints (up to 80% less impact force when jogging).
– Increase your endurance.
– Facilitate weight loss, and help sculpture your thighs and buttocks.
– Improve your cardio-vascular system capacity.
– Produce a feeling of euphoria when used .
– Are safe and fun to use!

Can Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes be used by anyone?

Yes,Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are ideally suited for all ages ( 6 to 90 +),and all fitness levels people with health problems should first consult their doctor.

Is it difficult to learn how to use Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes?

Not at all. You will feel comfortable and safe after only a few minutes of use. The Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are very stable. Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes can be used for running, aerobics, dancercise, for all types of exercise!.

Do doctors recommend the use of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes?

Yes they do, for several reasons . Look up the details on

I am not sports-oriented, coordinated and overweight, can I use Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes?

Yes of course! Those people who are overweight and have not had any regular exercise for a period of time should start using their Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes for 3 to 5 minutes a session repeating 2 to 3 times a day and gradually increase to 12 to 15 minutes. Never exceed your level of comfort. As you regularly use Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes your metabolic rate will become increasingly more efficient resulting in noticeable improvements in muscle tone, weight management and an enhanced feeling of well being. In addition, your endurance will increase and you will be able to exercise for longer. As always, it is important to remember that before embarking on any new fitness regime, you should first consult your medical practitioner.

Why am I experiencing discomfort in my shoulders/lower back / feet?

This is due to the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes correcting the imbalances in your posture. This discomfort is only temporary and will eventually go away after you have used your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes regularly. Though, it is important to remember to not over do it on your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes. Start off by using them for 3 to 5 minutes a session, repeating 2 to 3 times a day and gradually increase to 12 to 15 minutes. Never exceed your level of comfort. Though, in many cases non-sportive people have reported no discomfort after using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes for the first time.

I am experiencing discomfort in the arch of my foot, what can I do?

It is normal for first time users of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes to experience some discomfort. This is due to the fact that the user is exercising muscles that they may not have, for some time and the foot needs a little time to adapt. However, some users do experience discomfort in the arches of their feet if they have fallen arches or flat feet. In which case, we recommend that you use a support inside the Kangoo Jumps boots.

If this is not the case with you, then it may be that you just need to continue to use the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes. Your foot will adapt and the discomfort will go away. We must stress though, that if the arch of your foot is rubbing and it feels like you may get a blister then, you should get a support because this proves the theory that you have a flatter foot on either side.
– Make sure your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are not too big for your size. They should rather be a little tight than loose.
– Make sure you are not tightening your straps and buckles too tight. Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes should be a snug fit.

I am very light in weight and cannot compress the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, what can I do?

At first the T-Springs on your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes may feel a little hard. After you use them a few times the bands will “soften” and you should be able to compress them quite easily. If you still feel you are struggling to compress the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, you can remove the center band on the T-spring and this will make it easier to compress.
If you have purchased the KJ5Pro2 model then you should write to us with your weight and shoe size, and we can advise you on what to do.

How high can you jump with the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes?

The height of your jumps depends largely on the strength of the tension springs on your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, plus the energy you develop (you can buy additional tension springs and accessories for more extreme uses).It is very important to note: the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are not really designed for jumping high, but rather for jogging, aerobic exercise (Kangoo Dance), cross training or dancing.

My buckles are stiff, what can I do to loosen them?

When your buckles are difficult to snap, they are lacking lubricant. The buckles need only a very slight amount of lubricant. Usually, if you apply a very small amount of silicone lubricant to the metal hook below the buckle, this will solve the problem. . Never use car oil or similar to lubricate your buckles and never get oil on your soles.

How often should I replace the tension springs?

This is the component that needs the most attention. We recommend that you replace your T-springs after approximately 50 to 80 Hours of use. You can extend the life of your T-Springs by cleaning the shell junction area regularly, especially if you use your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes outside on dusty or sandy paths. To remove dust, use a clean paint brush and brush away any accumulated debris from the junction point It is also a good idea to Turn your T-Springs occasionally.

You can use your T-Springs until they eventually snap. However, you will not get an effective rebound from a T-Spring that is heavily worn.

Why has my Shell Broken?

It is normal for shells to break after a certain period of time, which may vary depending on various factors. The material has it’s limits.

If however, your shell has broken within the 3 month warranty period, it is possible that this breakage is due to an injection problem in the material and we will replace your broken shell free of charge.

To prolong the Life of your shell you should make sure that you change your t-springs regularly.

If you are running long distances, it would be advisable to change your shells at regular times. Or, if you want to use them till they break for economical reasons, carry 1 shell and 1 allan key with you when you go out (the new KJ Jog Belt has a feature for this).

How do I clean my Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes?

You should clean your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes with a very mild detergent and warm water solution. If you use your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes on or near to the beach, you should do this at the completion of your workout.. In addition, you should disassemble them and clean thoroughly the T-spring and Shell Junction. This will prevent premature wearing out of the T-Spring.
When your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are dry, you should lubricate your buckles with a small amount of silicone lubricant. You can remove dust from your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes using a clean paint brush.

Are all the components of the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes replaceable?

Yes all of the components that make up your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are replaceable. You can buy spare parts at our e-shop
If you cannot find what you are looking for , you can contact us with any query and we will provide you with a speedy response. E-mail

Can Kangoo Jumps rebound shoesbe used in the cold, or on snow?

You can use Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes in the cold. We recommend not using them at a temperature below – 5 C. The lower the temperature, the more difficult they are to compress, and the shells have a higher tendency to break. This is inherent to any material. Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are also being used on snow. No problem as long as you remember that snow can be very slippery and use them at your own risk.

You don’t need to leave the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes in the cold before using them. Rather on the contrary: leave them in a heated room before using them in the cold. This way they will compress in the usual way. The material heats up while being used, so that it will stay warm WHILE being used.

Is there a DVD or Music CD I can purchase that is specifically for use with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes?

Yes there are several. You should visit our e-shop on the website where you will see the current range.

How much do Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes Cost?

All of the prices are listed on our e-shop on
The maintenance cost of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes is very low and they will last for years, compared to normal running/training shoes.

Where can I go to try on a pair of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes?

There is no need to go anywhere but your own home. We have a satisfaction guaranteed return policy. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, all we ask is that you notify us that you are returning the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes within seven days of receipt. When we receive them back we will refund you the cost of the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes.
In our experience, in 98% of on line sales, the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes fit perfectly and the customer is happy with their purchase.

How about the quality of the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes?

They are made of the best materials available. The hard shell boot, is made of PU, which is about 3 times more expensive than the materials used for most in-line skates. Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are on the market since a few years already, and have been put under very severe strain tests:

– They are being used by marathon men running at least 10 km per day, for months.
– They are being used in fitness clubs for up to 3 hours per day, regularly.

So the weak points have already been spotted and improved. Like any other quality product though, Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes do not last for ever. We are continually improving our product.

They need to be serviced, by replacing the used parts. Any spare part is available to purchase from the web shop.
The parts which should be replaced the most frequently are:

a) The Tension Springs
b) The Shells

The soles, , will not wear out for a very, very long time!

Are the Kangoo Fitness programs difficult in comparison with normal aerobics?

No, Kangoo Jumps are really very easy to use (within a few minutes you will be very comfortable wearing them) and the choreography of the basic TTR course is simple and easy to follow, even for a beginner.

Are the Kangoo Fitness programs safe?

Yes, it is even safer than normal high cardio aerobics, because the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes protect your knees and joints.
They reduce the impact on the ground by up to 80%.
Caution: since aerobic training with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes is so much fun and creates a state of euphoria, be careful not to over train and exceed your heartbeat limit.

Can I practice Kangoo Dance, Kick & Punch or Power at home?

Yes you can, but we recommend you first take a Kangoo class at a Gym, to get directions from a certified Trainer. Or, purchase our Tutorial DVD to learn the common steps.

Have the Kangoo Fitness programs been approved by official fitness organizations?

Yes, it has been approved by several organizations, including the world’s largest: AFAA Aerobics and Fitness Association of America.

Do I need to buy a pair of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes to attend a Kangoo class in a Gym?

No. Fitness Centers offering Kangoo classes usually have Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes available for their members to use.

Where is the closest Fitness Center offering Kangoo Jumps Fitness Programs classes?

Please check with your local distributor.

Which are the main benefits of Kangoo Dance?

It’s a lot of fun, it protects your joints, makes you lose weight faster, you will have a fantastic workout and you won’t be able to wait for your next one!

Are there scientific studies about Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes and the Kangoo Fitness programs?

Yes, there are at present 5 university studies, all confirming the great benefits.
In our product information on this web site you can find all of the studies and testimonials.

How do I replace my Sole Clamps?

The replacement clamps will appear to be too small and you will assume they will not fit. However it is necessary for the material to be stretched when they are assembled so that, the sole is held in place tightly. Detach the lower shell. When replacing the clamps, the clamp has to be pushed on to the shell as far as it will go, do this by pushing it against the edge of a table. Position the sole then, taking a flat head screw driver, lever over the clamp to hold the sole in place.











To order replacement clamps contact

Why are they so effective at weight loss?

As scientific studies show, you spend about 20% more calories with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes compared to the sames exercises made with conventional shoes. However, this alone does not explain the dramatic weight loss overweight individuals experience when they use Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes. The secret lies in the lymphatic systems: The lymph is the liquid which circulates in-between our cells, to carry the wastes and toxins, out of our body, keeping it healthy. Most of us are unaware that our bodies contain five times as much lymph fluid as blood. However our lymphatic system, which is also our immune system, does not have a pump, like the heart, to keep its liquid in motion. It depends on our natural movements for circulation! If we don’t move enough, excess levels of toxin actually clutters or poisons our lymphatic system. In some places the lymph fluid actually crystallizes into cellulite, which many of us know is hard to eliminate…..
Rebound exercise, with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, has been found to be the most effective way to “re-prime the pump” and keep it going.

The lymphatic system also monitors our metabolism. It’s hard to ignore – as we get older, we seem to put on more weight, which become harder and harder to lose.

Studies have shown that our base metabolic rate, which is the rate that our bodies burn calories, decreases as our lymphatic system becomes less efficient

As our this system improves, the increased transfer of nutrients and oxygen into each cell actually helps to remove toxins from our body.

With regular use of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, our base metabolic rate will become increasingly more efficient, resulting in noticeable improvements in our muscle tone, and weight management.

In fact, we are actually re-training each cell to perform as it did when we were younger. Once we have re-set our metabolism, we will burn more calories at higher rate, whether we are exercising or not! At least for a certain time.

What are the main parts of the body that will be firmed up?

With Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, every single cell of your body gets a full workout. Which means that, all the muscles of your body are being firmed up simultaneously, with each bounce you do. N.A.S.A quotes “Rebound Exercise is the most efficient and effective form of exercise ever divised by men”.

How do they balance people so that they don’t fall over in them?

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are very stable and safe because their soles are as wide as those of conventional shoes. They don’t require any act of balance. You learn how to use them in a matter of minutes.

Why is it better to use them while jogging than just to jog in normal running shoes?

Because Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes protect your joints ! Their patented IPS (Impact Protection System) reduces the Impact to the ground by up to 80% , which makes Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes the lowest impact shoes in the World.
A scientific study made at UBC University – Canada, with 2 groups of students, one group wearing Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, the other conventional running shoes, shows that, during the 3 months of the study, 42% of those wearing conventional running shoes got injured, while 0% of those using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes got any injury.

Is the trend for using them growing and why?

The trend is growing at a rapid pace, one of the key elements being, that buyers love them so much that they recommend them to all their friends! To get an idea you may want to have a look at some of the hundreds of spontaneous, unsolicited testimonials we receive.
People want to have fun when they exercise. Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes alleviate two major issues with physical training – boredom and safety!

Getting Started


Never has a physical activity been so easy It is As easy as 1-2-3:

1. Wear comfortable, preferably thick, long socks covering the ankles. Loosen the buckles, and tuck your foot into the inner boot. When your foot is properly in place, securely fasten the buckles for a snug, comfortable fit.

2. The first time you use Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, stand up slowly, looking ahead of you. If necessary hold onto the back of a chair. You will quickly find your balance to maintain a stable upright position. Begin practicing on a flat, dry surface.

3. For best results, begin by jogging in place, bouncing on one foot at a time. Place your weight in the center of the foot and not on the toes or heels. When standing still, for better balance, put your feet in a V shape, apart, one in front of the other.


I am a retired merchant marine captain, 80 years old. I have been considering various exercise gears to stay in shape. When I saw the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes for the first time, I thought that I wouldn’t have the skill to use them. However I dared trying them on. I was stunned to feel how easy and stable they were. I went right away jogging up & down the hill!

Johan Mohr



IPS is patented by Kangoo Jumps. It reduces the impact by up to 80% which make Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, the World’s Lowest Impact Shoes

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are made of the best available materials and are therefore very durable.

Unlike quality running shoes, which specialists recommend using for not more than 350 miles – 550 KM (50 to 60 hours), Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes can last for many years. However, they obviously need regular maintenance to keep their performance and give you full satisfaction. Remember that you compress their IPS about 4000 times every single hour! Therefore make sure to follow the maintenance recommendations below:

1. T-springs: this is the component which needs the most attention. We recommend changing your T-Springs after every 50-80 hours of use, even though they can last longer. If you exceed that time:
– the rebound effect will be reduced
– you might experience Shell breakage because over-used T-Springs put more stress on the Shells.

2. Shells: don’t need any special care. However, overused T-Springs put additional stress on the shells. So, if the T-Springs are not changed after a maximum 80 hours, the chances of having a shell break increases. Shells do break occasionally, after a certain period of usage time, which varies depending on the usage conditions. Outdoor use of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes may reduce the life span of the above components.

3. Liners: can be machine washed at 30º C. Do not tumble dry them

4. Soles: are made of the best existing material. It can take you up to 1-2 years to wear them out. They are constructed of non-marking materials. Important though: after you have used your Kangoo Jumps boots outdoors, clean your treads and remove all stones which might have got caught in the sole, before using them again indoors.

Replacing treads is easy: use a large regular screwdriver in a lever motion to disassemble them from the lower shell and reassemble them again.

5. Buckles: when they lack lubricant, they become difficult to snap, even if you don’t tighten them too much. They need only very slight lubrication. Actually only the moisture of your finger (you can first rub it on your face to get more moisture) is enough: lift the buckle and rub the metal hook below the buckle. If a buckle gets broken, (very exceptional) it can be replaced easily by the client. We provide spare buckles & bolts,
for this purpose. The old buckle can be removed by drilling the rivet. A shoe repair shop can also handle it.

6. After running on a beach (or dirt paths) make sure you disassemble your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes and carefully clean the components to remove all dust and salt. Oil the buckles & bolts.

If you used Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes outdoors and then want to use them indoors, please check the soles and remove the stones / dirt to make sure not to damage your floors.




1. Important: the T-Spring’s hardness has to be adjusted to your weight (except for former model KJ4-XR), as well as to your desire of flexibility. The softness of your rebound force must be tested while running, not jumping with both feet at once.

Please watch: new T-Springs are harder and need to be “softened”. After being used for only a few minutes, they will reach their final standard. To soften them, jog a while or jump on one foot at a time. We recommend to change the T-Springs after every 50-60 hours of use.

2. For better rebounding results, avoid running on your tiptoes.

3. When taking off your Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, don’t open the buckles, just press the clips to remove the straps without lifting the buckles.

Using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, like any sport activity involving motion, involves some risk of injury. Although this product has been found to be very safe and easy to use by most users, it is important to follow some common sense guidelines to avoid accidental injury. Please carefully review the following instructions:



1. Begin on a flat, dry surface when learning the basics.

2.Practice by running in place and learn the basics skills of jogging and coming to a smooth stop.

3. Stay alert and aware of your surroundings and changing road conditions. Remain in control of your motions.

4. Avoid water, oil, debris, and uneven pavements.

5. Observe all traffic regulations and avoid areas of heavy traffic.

6. Move to the left of pedestrians, joggers, cyclists, skaters and rollerbladers, when passing them.

7. Except when passing always run on the right hand side of the road.

8. Safety gear is optional. Suggested use as per normal running or jogging.



– Follow the Assembly Instructions very carefully.

– Check that the tension spring & sole are properly inserted .

– Tighten buckles securely for good ankle support.

– Allow a firm but comfortable fit from heel to toe.



Avoid gaining excessive speed going downhill.

Always be observant for obstacles in the road, path, or sidewalk.

Be sure about your ability to control your speed and stop before running or jumping on other than a flat surface.

DON’T OVERDO IT!!! People get so euphoric using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, that they have a tendency to exercise more than they should.

Pay attention for ankle soreness, either abrasive or bruising, and end your workout at the earliest feeling of discomfort. Extra padding, such as a jacket shoulder pad, tennis sweatband, or extra socks may ease to problem area.

Sizing / Fitting

Sizing / Fitting

The new sizing S, M, L, XL is a total success and really makes inventory management so much easier! Gyms which hesitated so far to take on KJFP because of the many sizes, are now happy to come on board due to the 4 sizes only.

Fitting recomendations:
– Wear (preferably thick) socks covering your anckles.
– Make sure the liner (inner boot) is well in place.
– Don’t tighten the buckles too much ! The sole base being as wide as normal shoes, Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are very stable and don’t need much anckle support.
– Your toes must touch the front of the liner. You should feel a little tight at first. The lining will adapt to your foot and give in where necessary.
– If you feel too tight, try to remove the inner sole of your liner.
– you need to hear a “click” when closing each buckle to the right (snaped) position. If you can’t get the “click” it means you are trying to close your buckle too tight. Release it a bit and try again. Sometimes the buckles are more difficult to close when they need oiling: lift the buckle, and rub the inside with your finger. The moisture of your body is enough for the oiling!

KJ XR3 & KJ Pro 7 sizes

US MEN 1-2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12-15
US WOMEN 2-3 4-6 7-9 10-12  
EU 32-34 35-38 39-41 42-44 45-48
UK Jrl 3-2 3-5 6-8 9-10 11-14
KJ Power Shoe sizes

US BOYS 1-3 4-6
US GIRLS 2-4 3-5
EU 32-34 36-39
UK Jrl 3-2 3-5
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