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<meta charset=”utf-8″>33 Benefits

33 Benefits – by Dr. Morton Walker and Albert E. Carter

The action of bouncing up and down against gravity without trauma to the musculoskeletal system is one of the most beneficial aerobic exercises ever developed:

1. It provides an increased G-force (gravitational load), which strengthens the musculoskeletal systems.
2. It protects the joints from the chronic fatigue delivered by exercising on hard surfaces.
3. It helps manage body composition and improves muscle-to-fat ratio.
4. It increases capacity for respiration.
5. It circulates more oxygen to the tissues.
6. It establishes a better equilibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available.
7. It aids lymphatic circulation by stimulating the millions of one-way valves in the lymphatic system.
8. It tends to reduce the height to which the arterial pressures rise during exertion.
9. It lessens the time during which blood pressure remains abnormal after severe activity.
10. It assists in the rehabilitation of a heart problem.
11. It increases the functional activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells.
12. It improves resting metabolic rate so that more calories are burned for hours after exercise.
13. It causes muscles to perform work in moving fluids through the body to lighten the heart’s load.
14. It decreases the volume of blood pooling in the veins of the cardiovascular system preventing chronic edema.
15. It encourages collateral circulation by increasing the capillary count in the muscles and decreasing the distance between the capillaries and the target cells.
16. It strengthens the heart and other muscles in the body so that they work more efficiently.
17. It allows the resting heart to beat less often.
18. It lowers circulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
19. It lowers low-density lipoprotein (bad) and increases high-density lipoprotein (good) within the blood holding off the incidence of coronary artery disease.
20. It promotes tissue repair.
21. It increases the mitochondria count within the muscle cells, essential for endurance.
22. It adds to the alkaline reserve of the body, which may be of significance in an emergency requiring prolonged effort.
23. It improves coordination between the propreoceptors in the joints, the transmission of nerve impulses to and from the brain, transmission of nerve impulses and responsiveness of the muscle fibers.
24. It improves the brain’s responsiveness to the vestibular apparatus within the inner ear, thus improving balance.
25. It offers relief from neck and back pains, headaches, and other pain caused by lack of exercise.
26. It enhances digestion and elimination processes.
27. It allows for deeper and easier relaxation and sleep.
28. It results in better mental performance, with keener learning processes.
29. It curtails fatigue and menstrual discomfort for women.
30. It minimizes the number of colds, allergies, digestive disturbances, and abdominal problems.
31. It tends to slow down atrophy in the aging process.
32. It is an effective modality by which the user gains a sense of control and an improved self-image.
33. It is enjoyable!

People who rebound find they are able to work longer, sleep better, and feel less tense and nervous. The effect is not just psychological, because the action of bouncing up and down against gravity, without trauma to the musculoskeletal system, is one of the most beneficial aerobic exercises ever developed.

For more information refer to the following books:

– Jumping for Health by Dr. Morton Walker – Avery Publishing, Garden City Park, New York
– The Miracles of Rebound Exercise by Albert Carter – American Institute of Reboundology


Bone Mass

Increase Bone Density (fight osteoroposis)

Rebounding in Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes stimulates osteoblastic bone rebuilding activity in the vertebral bodies and weight-bearing compact and spongy bone structures of the pelvis and lower extremities. This is essential in the prevention of osteoporosis, especially in women.

Within only 2 weeks of stay in outer space, astronauts lose as much as 15% of their bone and muscle mass, as a result of the absence of gravity. Consequently, NASA had to investigate how to reverse the process. Their studies came to the conclusion that “rebound exercise is the most effective and efficient form of exercise ever devised by man”1.

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes may reverse bone loss in individuals suffering from osteoporosis.

1“ Miracles of Rebound Exercise” NASA-Ames Research Center Biomechanical Research Division,

Moffett Field, Wenner-Gren Research Laboratory, University of Kentucky



Strengthen Your Spine. Eliminate most back pain

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, by the inherent nature of their design, encourage proper posture to maintain balance, while exercising. The balance involved while using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes is easily mastered. It stimulates the communication between spinal and extremity joint mechanoreceptors thus improving balance and related proprioceptive skills.

Balance is defined as the ability to keep the body in equilibrium; age and/or a sedentary life style can cause deterioration in balance. Consistent movement (practice) with properties identified as “proprioceptive” is necessary to maintain adequate balance.

Chiropractor Dr. David Love, from Santa Cruz Chiropractic & Sport Medicine Clinic in Capitola – California, says: “Rebounding with Kangoo Jumps has a positive influence on spinal and intervertebral disc health by providing maximum spinal imbibition. This, of course, is essential for the proper transfer of nutrients into the disc and the removal of metabolic waste products out of the disc, thereby maintaining and restoring intervertebral health and function.”

Many practitioners report that the majority of their patients have very poor posture due to many factors, including the impact of sitting at computers, TV and other sedentary life style modalities. Poor posture can have a negative effect on an individual’s health. Using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes assures ideal posture by forcing the pelvis to remain in a neutral position while exercising. Neutral pelvic alignment causes the hips, knees and toes to re-align, securing the best possible bio-mechanics for movement execution.Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes improve balance for individuals of all ages and activity levels. In addition, the curved nature of the soles helps to re-align the spine for improved posture.



According to Dr. Morton Walker1, “Rebounding could practically be described as a “heart exercise,” Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes enhance the physical activity of the legs — the body’s primary limbs. It is easier on the heart to exercise the legs than the arms as the heart works 250% harder to pump the same amount of blood through the arms than it does through the legs”.

This phenomenon is known as the “pressor response”. It is the illusion of a higher working heart rate due to a rise in blood pressure. Under normal circumstances heart rate and oxygen consumption are linear. When heart rate rises, oxygen consumption rises, except when performing an activity that has a large amount of upper body movement such as boxing.

Activities with vigorous arm movement make the heart work harder to pump blood into the upper extremities. When this occurs, rises in heart rate are due to elevations in blood pressure, not oxygen consumption. This may make running in Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes a better choice for persons with known cardiovascular disease than similar training in conventional sports shoes.

Running with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes will enhance heart health without elevating blood pressure.

1 Walker Morton ”Jumping for Health” Avery Publishing Group Inc., New York



When inactive people start using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, their heart rate climbs rapidly and exercise can be maintained for only short periods of time. . However, after only a week of use, there is an amazing increase in cardio-respiratory endurance. Athletes experience this same increase in VO2 (volume of oxygen used), making the shoes excellent tools for improving the endurance required for competition sports. Dr. J.E. Taunton and a team of experts from the University of British Columbia, Canada, confirmed this benefit on the scientific study “MaxVO2 Improvements and Injury Prevention”1.

A reference group of students utilizing the shoes in exercise increased their VO2 peak by 7.8% whereas the control group, using conventional training shoes, showed only a 1.3% improvement during the same period of time.

Training with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes provides a more effective means of improving VO2, when compared to training with traditional running shoes.

1 J.E. Taunton, FACSM, N.S. Miller, E.C. Rhodes, FACSM, B.D. Zumbo, S. Fraser “MaxVO2 Improvements and Injury Prevention “ University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Canada – December 11th 2002

Recovery Time

33 Benefits – by Dr. Morton Walker and Albert E. Carter

The action of bouncing up and down against gravity without trauma to the musculoskeletal system is one of the most beneficial aerobic exercises ever developed:

1. It provides an increased G-force (gravitational load), which strengthens the musculoskeletal systems.
2. It protects the joints from the chronic fatigue delivered by exercising on hard surfaces.
3. It helps manage body composition and improves muscle-to-fat ratio.
4. It increases capacity for respiration.
5. It circulates more oxygen to the tissues.
6. It establishes a better equilibrium between the oxygen required by the tissues and the oxygen made available.
7. It aids lymphatic circulation by stimulating the millions of one-way valves in the lymphatic system.
8. It tends to reduce the height to which the arterial pressures rise during exertion.
9. It lessens the time during which blood pressure remains abnormal after severe activity.
10. It assists in the rehabilitation of a heart problem.
11. It increases the functional activity of the red bone marrow in the production of red blood cells.
12. It improves resting metabolic rate so that more calories are burned for hours after exercise.
13. It causes muscles to perform work in moving fluids through the body to lighten the heart’s load.
14. It decreases the volume of blood pooling in the veins of the cardiovascular system preventing chronic edema.
15. It encourages collateral circulation by increasing the capillary count in the muscles and decreasing the distance between the capillaries and the target cells.
16. It strengthens the heart and other muscles in the body so that they work more efficiently.
17. It allows the resting heart to beat less often.
18. It lowers circulating cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
19. It lowers low-density lipoprotein (bad) and increases high-density lipoprotein (good) within the blood holding off the incidence of coronary artery disease.
20. It promotes tissue repair.
21. It increases the mitochondria count within the muscle cells, essential for endurance.
22. It adds to the alkaline reserve of the body, which may be of significance in an emergency requiring prolonged effort.
23. It improves coordination between the propreoceptors in the joints, the transmission of nerve impulses to and from the brain, transmission of nerve impulses and responsiveness of the muscle fibers.
24. It improves the brain’s responsiveness to the vestibular apparatus within the inner ear, thus improving balance.
25. It offers relief from neck and back pains, headaches, and other pain caused by lack of exercise.
26. It enhances digestion and elimination processes.
27. It allows for deeper and easier relaxation and sleep.
28. It results in better mental performance, with keener learning processes.
29. It curtails fatigue and menstrual discomfort for women.
30. It minimizes the number of colds, allergies, digestive disturbances, and abdominal problems.
31. It tends to slow down atrophy in the aging process.
32. It is an effective modality by which the user gains a sense of control and an improved self-image.
33. It is enjoyable!

People who rebound find they are able to work longer, sleep better, and feel less tense and nervous. The effect is not just psychological, because the action of bouncing up and down against gravity, without trauma to the musculoskeletal system, is one of the most beneficial aerobic exercises ever developed.

For more information refer to the following books:

– Jumping for Health by Dr. Morton Walker – Avery Publishing, Garden City Park, New York
– The Miracles of Rebound Exercise by Albert Carter – American Institute of Reboundology

Recovery Time

Bone Mass

Increase Bone Density (fight osteoroposis)

Rebounding in Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes stimulates osteoblastic bone rebuilding activity in the vertebral bodies and weight-bearing compact and spongy bone structures of the pelvis and lower extremities. This is essential in the prevention of osteoporosis, especially in women.

Within only 2 weeks of stay in outer space, astronauts lose as much as 15% of their bone and muscle mass, as a result of the absence of gravity. Consequently, NASA had to investigate how to reverse the process. Their studies came to the conclusion that “rebound exercise is the most effective and efficient form of exercise ever devised by man”1.

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes may reverse bone loss in individuals suffering from osteoporosis.

1“ Miracles of Rebound Exercise” NASA-Ames Research Center Biomechanical Research Division,

Moffett Field, Wenner-Gren Research Laboratory, University of Kentucky

Recovery Time


Strengthen Your Spine. Eliminate most back pain

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, by the inherent nature of their design, encourage proper posture to maintain balance, while exercising. The balance involved while using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes is easily mastered. It stimulates the communication between spinal and extremity joint mechanoreceptors thus improving balance and related proprioceptive skills.

Balance is defined as the ability to keep the body in equilibrium; age and/or a sedentary life style can cause deterioration in balance. Consistent movement (practice) with properties identified as “proprioceptive” is necessary to maintain adequate balance.

Chiropractor Dr. David Love, from Santa Cruz Chiropractic & Sport Medicine Clinic in Capitola – California, says: “Rebounding with Kangoo Jumps has a positive influence on spinal and intervertebral disc health by providing maximum spinal imbibition. This, of course, is essential for the proper transfer of nutrients into the disc and the removal of metabolic waste products out of the disc, thereby maintaining and restoring intervertebral health and function.”

Many practitioners report that the majority of their patients have very poor posture due to many factors, including the impact of sitting at computers, TV and other sedentary life style modalities. Poor posture can have a negative effect on an individual’s health. Using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes assures ideal posture by forcing the pelvis to remain in a neutral position while exercising. Neutral pelvic alignment causes the hips, knees and toes to re-align, securing the best possible bio-mechanics for movement execution.Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes improve balance for individuals of all ages and activity levels. In addition, the curved nature of the soles helps to re-align the spine for improved posture.

Recovery Time


When inactive people start using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, their heart rate climbs rapidly and exercise can be maintained for only short periods of time. . However, after only a week of use, there is an amazing increase in cardio-respiratory endurance. Athletes experience this same increase in VO2 (volume of oxygen used), making the shoes excellent tools for improving the endurance required for competition sports. Dr. J.E. Taunton and a team of experts from the University of British Columbia, Canada, confirmed this benefit on the scientific study “MaxVO2 Improvements and Injury Prevention”1.

A reference group of students utilizing the shoes in exercise increased their VO2 peak by 7.8% whereas the control group, using conventional training shoes, showed only a 1.3% improvement during the same period of time.

Training with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes provides a more effective means of improving VO2, when compared to training with traditional running shoes.

1 J.E. Taunton, FACSM, N.S. Miller, E.C. Rhodes, FACSM, B.D. Zumbo, S. Fraser “MaxVO2 Improvements and Injury Prevention “ University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Canada – December 11th 2002

Recovery Time

Medical Applications

Several significant scientific studies were conducted that confirmed many inherent benefits to using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes. One of the key advantages of Kangoo Jumps is versatility. People from age 6 to age 92 have been using them for many different purposes.

Here are some examples of medical areas where they can be used and their respective benefits:

Sport Medicine Doctors recommend Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes for rehabilitation after injuries or surgery. The benefit most sport doctors name is that Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are a powerful strength & conditioning product that allows patients to continue a healthy rehabilitation / exercise regimen without the risk of over training. And Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes help prevent further injuries.

Physiotherapists recommend Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes for rehabilitation after sport related injuries, to assist in the rehabilitation / healing process involved with stiff ankles, lower back and spine pain, as well as for many more specific conditions.

Chiropractors recommend Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes for spinal exercise, which has always been the cornerstone of chiropractic-based rehabilitation programs. Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes seem to be ideal for spinal strengthening, optimum postural positioning, mechanoreceptor / proprioception / balance, coordination, flexibility, and intervertebral disc health through spinal pumping, or imbibitions, with the minimal possible impact.

General Practitioners recommend Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes to correct and/or prevent health problems like obesity, cardiovascular condition, depression, constipation, back pain, bladder weakness, lack of energy, immune system deficiency, postnatal exercise etc.

Ophthalmologists believe that rebound exercise enhances vision, as discussed in the book “Jumping for Health” by Dr. Morton Walker.

Pediatricians recommend Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes (only for children from age 6 and above) to enhance coordination, increase spatial awareness, improve self-image, create positive energy and motivation levels, facilitate the learning process and concentration, fight obesity. Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are also being used successfully with autistic and Down’s Syndrome children.

Orthopedists recommend Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes to reduce pain and to prevent joint problems.

Warning: Always seek the advice of your medical doctor before using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes for any application.

Recommended books on the subject:
• Jumping for Health by Dr. Morton Walker, Avery publishing N.Y,
• The Golden Seven Plus One by Dr. Samuel West
• The Cancer Answer by Albert Carter
• Enhance your Vision with Rebound Exercise by Albert Carter
(order Albert Carter’s books through:


Doctor Testimonial

I wanted to share with you a brief testimony of my results using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes. Prior to using the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, I had been an avid trail runner for many years. I had experienced significant pain in my lower back (L4-L5) region, and an MRI confirmed that I had a degenerative, herniated disc, which was pressing on my sciatic nerve causing a condition known as Sciatica. Since my condition was degenerative, there was no prognosis for recovery. In addition, I had to discontinue all running, as I had incurred injuries to my right knee and hip which were exaggerated by my running. I discontinued running for a period of 2 years, at which point I discovered your wonderful product. I must admit that I was skeptical upon first seeing the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, but was desperate to find a way to resume running. It has been 4 months since I have purchased the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, and I cannot offer enough praise for this product.

Not only have I been able to resume running, but I have done so completely pain-free! I can only contribute my rehabilitation to the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, as they have strengthened the muscles, joints, and ligaments in the areas where I had experienced injuries. I run approximately 1 to 1 ½ hours daily on the Kangoo jumps rebound shoes at an aerobic pace of 150-160 BPM. I run on pavement, trails, and professional track and the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are always up to the challenge. I have never enjoyed exercise this much in my life, where I actually seek every opportunity I can to use the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes. I have recommended them to my patients, and they have been pleased with the results as well. I will continue to be an avid supporter of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, and offer cheers to the Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes team for the creation of this wonderful product as well as their ongoing commitment.

Dr. Dan Duryea
Lancaster, Pennsylvania – USA
January 2007

Recovery Time

Rebound Excercise

Introduction Rebounder, reboundology and reboundologist are terminologies established by Albert Carter, pioneer in studying the effects of rebound exercise.

He began his studies in the mid 1970’s, when he was a trampoline champion. He noticed that, even though he was not as well conditioned, he was beating much stronger and more highly trained men at arm wrestling. He suspected that his superiority was due to his frequent use of the trampoline. This started his studies on the effects of rebound exercise on the human body. The results of his findings were so astounding that he thought that everybody should engage into trampoline exercise. Trampolines were pretty dangerous for common people so he invented what he named the rebounder, the round mini trampoline we all know.

Here is the definition of Rebound Exercise as given by Al Carter:

“The common denominator of all exercises is opposition to the gravitational pull of the earth. Even before birth, the human body grows strong enough to be able to resist the ever present downward pull of Mother Earth. A child learns to crawl, walk, run, play and even throw balls by constantly competing with gravity.

Formal exercise methods are no different. To exercise the body, one carry’s out various movements designed against gravity, utilizing everything from body parts to fulcrums, levers, pulleys, inclined planes and even dead weights to challenge major muscle groups.

With rebound exercise, you oppose gravity, but you also utilize two other natural dynamic forces found within our environment, two forces which, for the most part, have been overlooked by other exercise methods. These forces are acceleration and deceleration. When your body stops its downward movement at the bottom of the bounce, the force of deceleration and gravity come into play. When the body begins its upward motion, acceleration is added to the other two forces. The physical human body doesn’t recognize these three different forces but simply accepts the combination of the three forces as an increase of the gravitational pull of the earth. Logically, we know that increasing gravity is impossible, but the cells of the body don’t. Because all of the cells of the body have the capability to adjust to their environment, all of the cells of your body begin to adjust by becoming individually and collectively stronger.

Old-fashioned exercise programs teach how you can strengthen the muscles of the body. Rebounding is an advanced exercise in that it is a cellular exercise. All cells of the body become stronger. This includes muscles, bones, skin, connective tissues, and all vital organs, as well as muscles used for digestion and elimination. Even the cells of the eyes are strengthened by rebounding.”

Reboundology is based on the combined forces of gravity, acceleration and deceleration. The gravity is the force that attracts us to the ground. The unit of measure of this force is called G. 1 G corresponds to our weight here on Earth, when we stand still. When we accelerate the G force increases. When we decelerate the G decreases.

N.A.S.A. has confirmed the ability of the human body to adjust to the change of gravity. When astronauts were sent to space for fourteen days, they lost 15% of their bone and muscle mass. Space rats lost 40% of their mass in only 7 days. Their problem has been how to re-condition the astronauts the most efficient way.

By combining the G force with the acceleration and deceleration while jumping repeatedly, we are subjecting our body to an oscillation between 0 G (at the top of the jump) and 2-4 G (at the impact). Each of our cells is put under stress and is forced to adapt to a higher gravity. Thus cells get stronger with rebound exercise.

N.A.S.A.’s scientist took lymphocytes from astronauts and subjected them to a 3 G force in a laboratory centrifuge during 3 days. In that short time the cell membranes became 50% stronger than normal.


The Healthy Cell Concept

This is probably the most significant discovery made by Al Carter. Here’s the concept, in his own words:

“Each of us begins life in a single cell. After fertilization, the cell divides and transforms itself into two identical cells. Each cell carries the identical DNA programming with which it was endowed at the instant of conception. This incredible process of multiplication by division continues until at last the adult human is made up of a mass of 75 trillion highly intelligent cells. Each individual cell knows its business and performs its function in concert with all other cells. The Healthy Cell Concept precisely identifies the basic needs of the cell to be healthy. The Healthy Cell concept includes, Cell Food, Cell Environment, Cell Exercise, and Cell Communication.

The synergistic effect of the four vitally important parts of the Healthy Cell Concept on the human body is so phenomenal that health miracles are expected.”

Let’s take a more visual approach:

Consider a balloon filled with water. A human cell is just like this balloon. Now watch what happens to this balloon / cell as you rebound.

Using this same principle, Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes actually allow you to train all your muscles at the same time and increase bone density.

You must remember that the formula for physical strength of connective tissue, even at the cell level, is:

Positive Stress x Repetition = Strength

Recovery Time

Running & Jogging

To reduce the impact stress on joints

“Scientific investigations with regards to impact forces have reported that between 27% to 70% of runners or joggers are injured in the first year after commencement of running”

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes were originally developed for joggers, to reduce the impact stress on joints.

Whether you are an avid jogger, a serious runner or a casual health-conscious exerciser, you will quickly appreciate the incredible number of benefits that Kangoo Jumps provide. Reducing impact shocks to your ankles, knees, shins, hips, lower back, and spine, by up to 80% is only one of them.

A Swiss chiropodist study shows that Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes correct pronation and supination conditions originating from the lower leg, while they are being used.

Stress reduction and correcting pronation and supination are two of the many reasons doctors recommend Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, for rehabilitation after surgery & for prevention of injuries. These benefits help explain why, so many people who at one point could no longer jog or exercise can jog / exercise again in comfort, with confidence and without pain.

“I hadn’t been able to jog or attend aerobic classes for years due to my knee surgery and excess weight. It really feels great to be able to exercise again and to have so much fun at the same time”Lynn Lawrence, Texas, U.S.A.

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes usage also dramatically increases endurance, which is demonstrated by a scientific study conducted by Dr. J.E. Taunton at the University of British Columbia – Canada.

“Scientific investigations with regards to impact forces have reported that between 27% and 70% of runners or joggers are injured in the first year after commencement of running”. Most of these injuries are impact-related. This is why impact protection is so important.

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, with their patented Impact Protection System, reduce the impact stress by up to 80%, as confirmed by three (3) distinct scientific studies. On the chart below (taken from a study conducted by Jason Vance and John A. Mercer at the University of Nevada – USA) you can see a comparison: individuals using normal footwear during exercise versus individuals using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes

Stop abusing your joints! Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are also being used for marathons. Jodie Luther is a professional trainer who has run many marathons. She clearly feels the difference when using Kangoo Jumps shoes: no pain, no excessive exhaustion the following day.

“One of the biggest challenges of long distance competitive running is the huge amount of time it takes to properly prepare and the risk of injuries associated with overstraining. Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are the greatest tool I have found for a truly safe, time saving and enjoyable workout.”

Jodie Luther

Recovery Time

Weight Loss

“I hadn’t been able to jog or attend aerobic classes for years due to my knee surgery and excess weight. It really feels great to be able to exercise again and to have so much fun at the same time”

The body contains five times more lymph than blood. Unfortunately, the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system, does not have a pump like the heart to keep its liquid in motion; thus, the body must rely on its natural movements for circulation. If a person does not move sufficiently, excess levels of toxins can clutter and poison the lymphatic system. In some areas, lymph fluid actually crystalizes into cellulite, and can be harder to eliminate. Numerous studies have shown that base metabolic rate, which is the rate at which the body will burn calories, decreases as our lymphatic systems grows less efficient.

In 1995 the University of Lausanne in collaboration with Dr. Gremion conducted a physiological research study1, which showed that a person spends about 20% more energy, or calories, training with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes than with other training shoes. Therefore, exercising with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes is a more effective way to “re-prime the lymphatic pump.”

As the lymphatic system improves, the increased transfer of nutrients and oxygen into each cell helps to increase toxin removal through elimination. Once metabolism has been reset, a person is able to burn more calories at a higher rate, whether exercising or not.

With the regular use of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, base metabolic rate will become increasingly more efficient, resulting in noticeable improvements in muscle tone, and weight management. In fact, they actually allow the re-training of each cell to perform as it did, when it was younger.

Once metabolism is re-set, the individual will burn more calories at a higher rate and will not regain weight, if training is continuous, especially using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes.

1 G. Gremion, P.F. Leyvraz, E. Mercier, K. Aminian ”Attenuation of Impact Shock during Jog: comparison between conventional running shoes and Kangoo Jumps “ Swiss Federation Institute of Technology Clinical Department of Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Division of Sports Medicine

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Recovery Time




Any kind of exercise will increase your energy level on a long run, because you train your body to work better and develop more mitochondrias, which are the powerhouses of the cells.

However most forms of exercise are strenuous, so that people who lack training will feel exhausted, even for the next day.

Having a non strenuous physical activity with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes the way we recommend, that is only for short sessions and never exceeding your level of comfort, you will enjoy an incredible high level of energy right away and feel relaxed. Guaranteed.


Face Lift

Act as Natural Face Lift.

Each cell of the body is like a balloon filled with water; rebounding puts the cells repeatedly under stress as they resist the increased G forces (when the balloon reaches the maximum elongation). With time, the cell’s membrane gets thicker, thus more firm and elastic.

The skin is a community of cells. Rebounding regularly with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes can help firm the skin and increase its elasticity.



Enhance Overall Health

The NASA investigations on how to reverse astronauts’ bone and muscle’s mass loss while in the outer space show that rebound exercise is the most efficient, effective and pleasant exercise ever devised. “While trampoling, as long as the G-force remained below 4-G’s, the ratio of oxygen consumption compared to biomechanical conditioning was sometimes more than twice as efficient as treadmill running. For similar levels of heart rate and oxygen consumption, the magnitude of the biomechanical stimuli is greater with jumping on a trampoline than with running, a finding that might help identify acceleration parameters needed for the design of remedial procedures to avert de-conditioning in persons exposed to weightlessness…”1

This statement verifies the fact that rebound exercise is an excellent exercise for senior citizens, those physically handicapped, those who are recuperating from an accident or injury, or anyone else who needs exercise but is hampered by a pre-existing physical condition2.

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes are a great contribution to overall health improvement, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • Reduce excess fat/weight rapidly and safely while simultaneously developing all muscles, shaping the body naturally.
  • Reverse or slows the aging process firming the skin.
  • Promote ideal postural alignment and balance.
  • Correct supination and pronation.
  • Prevent cardiovascular problems.
  • Fight osteoporosis, increasing bone density.
  • Induce euphoria (thus fighting depression) and reduce mental stress.
  • Prevent injuries.

1 Journal of Applied Physiology 49 (5): 881-887 – 1980

2 “Miracles of Rebound Exercise” NASA-Ames Research Center Biomechanical Research Division, Moffett Field, Wenner-Gren Research Laboratory, University of Kentucky



Doctors & physical therapists recommend the use of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes for the safe rehabilitation of sports injuries.

Investigations on impact forces conducted by The Southern Cross, Australian University study1 reported that between 27% to 70% of runners or joggers are injured in the first year after commencement of training, as a result of external forces.

Thanks to the revolutionary IPS, using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes instead of traditional running shoes significantly reduces the impact characteristics experienced during foot contact, which has been reported to result in injuries to the lower extremities.

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes may reduce the rate of injury for recreational joggers and can provide a safer environment for the rehabilitation of patients with lower extremity injuries.

1 Robert U. Newton, Brendan J. Humphries, & I. Barry Ward ”Reducing Ground Impact Forces During Jogging : an evaluation of shoes with springs” Center for Exercise Science and Sport Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia. 1995

“I hadn’t been able to run for years because of injuries that never seemed to completely heal. Even casual jogging would aggravate my condition. Running and aerobic exercises using Kangoo Jumps boots has been a blessing. I’m in better shape than I have been in years.”


Joint Protection

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes were originally developed for joggers, runners and athletes, to help reduce the impact associated with vigorous athletic activity.

The biggest problem for most sports is the excess strain on joints due to repeated impact. The limits of training are dictated by the amount of strain accumulated on joints due to repeated impact and the capability of the body to withstand it. Athletic competition requires the development of “explosive strength”. Participating in plyometric exercise is the best method to ensure improvements in this area. These exercises can be dangerous because they place the joints under the highest strain (up to 5G, versus 2-3G for running).

High-tech sport shoes with cushioning features, like the latest Nike or Adidas models claim to reduce impact. However, none of these shoes provide significant protection, as they do not lengthen the impact time significantly enough to allow the brain and muscles to react in a timely way to absorb impact energy.

Different scientific studies conducted by the Swiss Federation Institute of Technology compared conventional running shoes and Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes. They demonstrated that the patented Impact Protection System (IPS) of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes not only helps increase impact time, it also reduces the impact stress by up to 80% while protecting ankles, knees, hips, lower back, and spine.

“The running condition with training shoes displayed peaks between 6 and 10 g at the tibia level as found in previous studies. With Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, acceleration is 50% lower. The reduction of the force impact is significant”2

The scientific study, “Impact Forces during running in a novel spring Boot”, conducted by Jason Vance and John A. Mercer3, compares individuals using traditional footwear during exercise to individuals using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes and concludes that the differences between both are significant, as it is shown in the chart below:

Plyometric exercise can be performed using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes with a lower risk of injury, providing significant protection to the joints, when compared to traditional sport shoes. Consequently, Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes could be considered the world’s lowest impact shoe.

2 G. Gremion, P.F. Leyvraz, E. Mercier, K. Aminian ” Attenuation of Impact Shock during Jog: comparison between conventional running shoes and Kangoo Jumps“ Swiss Federation Institute of Technology, Clinical Department of Orthopaedic & Traumatology, Division of Sports Medicine chuv Lausanne

3 Vance Jason and Mercer John A. “Impact Forces During Running in a Novel Spring Boot” Department of Kinesiology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas



Promote ideal postural alignment and balance

Many practitioners report that the majority of their patients have very poor posture due to many factors which include the impact of sitting at computers, TV and other sedentary life style issues. There are also certain postural conditions associated with specific sport activities such as cycling, etc. Poor posture can have a negative effect on an individual’s health. Using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes assures ideal posture by forcing your foot placement to be at the best possible angle directly below the pelvic girdle that ultimately supports the alignment of the whole body.
Many customers report that they breathe in such a way to fill their lungs to capacity when using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes providing thus more oxygen for the brain, muscles, etc., to function at an optimal level. Some benefits that customers report are that they have more energy, faster response time to stimuli, longer attention span and that they feel more vibrant and alive.

Balance is an important issue and has become a frequent complaint from patients while speaking with their practitioner. Again, a more sedentary life style has influenced this issue. Consistent movement with properties that are identified as “Proprioceptive” is necessary to assure proper balance. Proprioceptive activity is defined as stimulating the spine and harmonizing all of the mechanoreceptors located in your extremity. Kangoo Jumps assure that optimum “balance” occurs in a safe and effective manner for individuals of all ages and activity levels.


Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes correct posture and naturally realign the body

Because of the rounded shape of their soles, Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes naturally prevents you from adopting bad postures. You automatically align your body in order to keep your balance.

Wits University in Johannesburg – South Africa, is in the process of conducting the most comprehensive study ever made with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes (testing about 800 parameters!). The section on body posture is already finished. It shows pictures of reference subjects, before starting the KJ fitness program and 3 months after. The differences are amazing!

A large portion of the population has chronic back pain, which, in most cases, is due to a bad posture. The use of Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes will in most cases eliminate (or at least alleviate) the pain and prevent it from recurring.


Correct supination and pronation:

Supination is the turn or rotation of the foot by adduction and inversion so that the outer edge of the sole bears the body’s weight. On the other hand, pronation is the turn or rotation of the foot by abduction and eversion so that the inner edge of the sole bears the body’s weight.

When running, excessive supination or pronation can create a rotational movement in the ankles that can affect the lower leg and knee, creating pain and lesions.

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoe’s hard shell boot locks the foot in place and aids in realigning the ankle. In addition, because the shoes are approximately 6 inches higher than normal shoes and the soles are laterally flat, when you do not land with proper biomechanics, you get the impression that you might twist an ankle, making it instinctive to correct foot position.

Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes may help to correct pronation and supination during training, helping to eliminate problems of the lower leg due to ankle mal-alignment.


Recovery Time

For the professional and elite athlete, consistent, continuous training is paramount to retain their strength, stamina, and specific athletic response to their sport of choice. When these individuals are injured, every 24 hour period without exercise can significantly compromise their athletic training and standing within their sport of choice. Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes, due to their patented IPS ystem, reduce impact shock by up to 80%, which means that athletes or athletic patients can begin exercise and training very soon after an injury or surgery. Practitioners and athletic trainers have found that patients using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes actually reduce the recovery time and enhance their athletic response system due to the inherent action of harmonizing the muscles and the central nervous system.

Many athletic physicians are using Kangoo Jumps boots for rehabilitation purposes due to the reduced impact and “enhanced” recovery aspect of using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes.

On the other hand, recovery time from any aerobic activity is dramatically reduced by using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes. E.G. Jody Luther, an avid Marathon athlete and Personal Trainer states that when she uses Kangoo Jumps boots during a Marathon, she can proceed to her professional activities the very next day of the race. When she uses normal running shoes for her marathons, she needs to allow herself 2 days of rest before resuming to work.



Help fight depression & stress

“Jump for joy” is not just an expression, it describes the feeling of euphoria, of power and lightness that any person can experience while they are exercising with Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes; this altered state of consciousness associated with bouncing can enhance anyone’s life, making it joyful at any age or fitness level.

The therapeutic use of rebounding exercise has been studied by Dr. Morton Walker and presented in his book “Jumping for Health”[1], where he describes up to 30 specific anti-stress benefits of this type of exercise.

Using Kangoo Jumps rebound shoes is an excellent remedy for depression and anxiety. It awakens the inner child, inducing a state of euphoria. This can be explained by the fast release of endorphins by the body, sometimes referred to as the hormones of happiness.

[1] Morton Walker “ Jumping for Health” pages 82-91, Avery Publishing Group Inc., New York

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